TQ Wire 2S Pro Charging Cable with 4mm + 5mm Bullets and Strain Part # 2720


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Availability: In stock

SKU: TQW2720 Category: Tag:

This cable has the same features found in TQ’s standard 2S cable, like 12 gauge wires wrapped in black nylon mesh; #2511 stepped bullets so you can charge both 4mm and 5mm batteries, and XH connector on the charger side. But…this premium cable also has molded strain reliefs for the battery side bullets and balance port. The strain relief provides a more durable connection for the balance wires and incorporates “grippers” to aide in removal of the bullets from your battery.

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TQ Wire 2S Pro Charging Cable with 4mm + 5mm Bullets and Strain Part # 2720

Availability: In stock